其实说可可粉有毒,是对可可里面的可可碱的误读 可可是一种植物种子,是制作巧克力的原料。 巧克力的成分主要是脂类、糖类和蛋白质,此外还有少量矿物质和维生素。其中一些脂类具有挥发性,比如香草醚(vanillin)和乙基香草醚;有一些则是可以代谢成单胺类的神经递质或者肾上腺素能类药物,包括去甲肾上腺素、5-羟色胺等,以及咖啡因[1]。因此巧克力被广泛认为是有毒的。 但是可可并不是巧克力哦~!一般3-4颗可可豆就可以加工出1磅(大约0.45千克)的巧克力了,而一粒可可豆大概只有豆子的一半大小。所以加工前的一粒可可是很小的,而且里面除了可可脂外没有多少其他成分了。但是一块巧克力就大多了。这是因为加入了牛奶等其他成分增加口感。虽然从可可豆到可可液块,再到巧克力,这些过程中会加入糖和其他辅料以改善风味,但这些物质基本上都是在可可豆本身的成分基础上简单加工而来的,并不额外添加有害物质[2][3]。在巧克力的主要原料可可脂中几乎不含咖啡因,但是在可可浆中的含量大约是1%[1]。可见可可本身并没有明显毒性,只不过当它做成巧克力之后会增加误食的风险。
Caffeine may be harmful and addictive to some people (although most caffeine is safe), but it's not a poison that will make you sick just by ingesting something containing it! If coffee or tea makes you feel crappy, it isn't because they contain caffeine; it's more likely an allergic reaction than anything else. And chocolate contains less caffeine per serving volume than either coffee or tea, on average [4]:
Cocoa liquor with no added sugar has about as much caffeine as one cup of brewed coffee, while cocoa powder can give you twice the amount in half the time. So if you like hot chocolate, have it! It won't harm your health at all unless your kid swallows whole packages straight out of the box... And remember: even though I said that these compounds aren't really "poison", when mixed into other substances such as milk, water, or oil which act as carriers for them, there are situations where they might cause problems. But keep it simple! Just let your dogs eat plain dark chocolate without milk or cream! They don't need any extra nutrients from those parts anyway——it's better off if their bodies throw away the excess fat instead of storing it! Dark chocolate also doesn't have high enough levels of caffeine to do serious damage, although it could lead to liver issues. Light chocolate is probably fine for pets too, assuming they don't get high quantities at once. White chocolate usually gets a pass since its only real ingredient is sugar. However, sometimes white chocolate is made with cocoa butter rather than real cacao. In fact, many white chocolates marketed towards pet owners actually ARE pure cocoa butter, so be sure yours says so on the label! This means that your dog could be eating ingredients similar to those found in lard