朋友,您能描述一下具体情况吗?比如是怎么受的伤啊,有没有去拍过片子或者照过CT或MRI之类的诊断手段呢? 首先说下狗狗脑部的结构(以犬科为例)分为6个部分(图1):
1、大脑(Cephalic brain);2、小脑( Cerebellum );3、中脑 (Midbrain);4、延髓/脊髓连接处(Pons-Medulla Spinal Column Connection);5、嗅叶 (Olfactory Lobe; olfaction, the sense of smell);6、舌叶(Lingual lobes;taste and food intake);7、大脑脚(Brainstem Peduncles, including the Cervical Brainstem Peduncle, which connects to the neck spinal cord)
8、小脑脚(Cerebellar Peduncles)等;9、内耳道(internal ear canal)及迷路(labyrinth) 这些区域在受到损伤之后都会产生不同的反应与表现,如果题主方便的话可先带您的爱犬到医院进行相关的影像学检查,这样能够更加明确地判断它的症状和损伤位置。
现在根据我的经验来大概说一下可能产生的后果吧. 一、内耳(endolymphatic system, includes the inner ear organ called cochlea as well as other structures in the bony labyrinth)受损导致的耳鸣\耳聋(当然也有可能只是暂时性听觉功能丧失需要慢慢恢复);呕吐\食欲不振\消化不良等等 二、前脑(cephalic region,includes forebrain regions such as cerebral hemispheres,cerebellum = little 'head,' hippocampus, amygdala etc...)受损出现的记忆力衰退\情绪变化大\容易紧张不安等 三、小脑(the cerebellum is a small, hollow ball-shaped structure that sits just above your spinal cord at the base of your brain’s "skull”, behind and below both sides of your ears. It has two major components: the vermis and the cerebellar hemispheres. The cerebellum receives signals from throughout the body via its extensive network of input fibers, processes information about balance, posture, motion and muscle activity, and sends out outputs that integrate with many areas of the central nervous system in order to maintain equilibrium.)受损出现行动失常(身体控制能力差导致站立不稳走路磕碰;流口水;甚至瘫痪) 四、脑部其他组织(例如神经节苷脂GM1等)受损则可能导致精神方面疾病如狂躁症\焦虑症\抑郁症什么的…… 五、某些情况也可能造成全身感染 六、严重的情况可能造成死亡 现在就希望你的爱狗能早日康复了!